Sunday, 13 September 2015

First Korfball Club in Switzerland!!!!

September 8th 2015, this is the date when the first Korfball Club was officially created in Switzerland. After a few weeks of practice in the shores of the Léman Lake, a handful of Korfball enthusiasts decided to make this first important step for the future of the sport in Switzerland.

With only four members participating in the first meeting of the Club, it was enough to approve the Statutes, unanimously. Also, the roles of President and Secretary were decided, and so ... KC LAUSANNE was born!!

Moment of the signature by President Geert Hendriks

President : Geert Hendriks
Secretary : Carles Albà

We have now established regular Korfball training sessions, which take place on Tuesday, every other week, from 20.00 to 21.00 at:

Salle de Gym du Collège Saturne
Route du Bois 6
1024 Ecublens

The upcoming dates are: 27 Oct, 10 Nov, 24 Nov, 8 Dec.

Please see the location on the map below for greater detail: 

Follow this link to access the file containing the Statutes of KC Lausanne : STATUTES.